„I founded Philip & Frank real estate agency with my business partner František Jungr in 2014. Since then, we have completed hundreds of successful sales and leases of premium properties in Prague, the Czech Republic and abroad.“

Filpi Šejvl

Filip Šejvl

Managing Partner

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We believe that people are the key to success. Our experienced, time-tested team respects the needs of our clients so that we can provide them with a personal service with maximum added value.

What does this mean in practice?

  • Throughout the entire process, you have just one contact person who will take care of you from the initial introduction and handshake to handing over the keys to your dream property.
  • We do not use preset templates, but design effective solutions tailored to specific situations.
  • You can count on us because we keep our word and deliver on what we agree together.
  • We treat every client as a new member of our imaginary family. And naturally, we want the best for our family. That's one of the reasons for our consistently high customer experience ratings in Google reviews.

Three key areas that are intrinsic to us


Personal approach

In life, and in real estate this is doubly true, it is crucial to know and perceive the individual needs of each client. A personal approach helps us guarantee a great customer experience.


Top quality

Count on us. In all areas of the real estate business, we will surprise you with the unique added value of our services.


Willingness to help

Real estate, that is a whole series of non-standard situations. No two properties are the same. That's why we are happy to help with even non-standard situations.

Leading RE LPI


Are you interested in our approach and want to join our team?

More information

Contact us

Consent to the processing of personal data for the purpose of commercial communication for Philip & Frank s.r.o. with its registered office at Stefanikova 1/65, 150 00 Praha 5, registration number: 04116232. Detailed text of the consent, including all rights, can be found here. More details about Consent to the processing of personal data and your rights can be found here.

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