Ecological household

1. 2. 2020

Blog 1

Do you love nature and don’t want to destroy it? Do you care about planet Earth and are you an ecology enthusiast? Or did you receive an unnaturally high energy bill? We will show you a few tricks on how to protect the planet as well as your wallet. Living ecologically means living economically. In which ways exactly are you sending your money down the drain?

Cold, it is so very cold

Summer is nowhere to be seen and it’s cold in the house. Warm socks and cold nose don’t sound like an ideal way to spend your time in the comfort of your home. Did you know that increasing the temperature by just 1°C the energy consumption increases by 6%? So how do you tackle warming your flat or house?

If you are leaving for the mountains, don’t switch off the heater. You consume much more energy by heating up a very cold house. Keep a steady temperature in your home even while you are away. Save money and protect your health. Keep about 20°C in the main rooms. The entry hall and pantry at lower temperatures.

Tips for your home

- Put an aluminium foil behind the radiators, it will reflect the heat back into your room.
- Invest in quality isolation of your windows , your investment will most definitely pay off.
- Don’t cover the heaters with curtains or furniture.

A modern way of washing clothes

As mum used to say, only turn on the washing machine when it’s completely full.
By lowering the temperature from 90°C to 60°C you will achieve great reduction of power consumption. Also using a fabric softener is completely unnecessary. It isn't easily biologically dissolvable and using it, has far more drastic effects on the environment than common detergent.
Most washing machines nowadays offer modern eco program for small load or mildly dirty clothes. Washing small amounts or slightly dirty clothes causes usage of large amounts of water.
If you are really enthusiastic about the environment you can make your own detergent at home. You might be surprised that you already have most of the ingredients at home. For example vinegar,lemon, salt, baking soda or natural soap can help you with cleaning and washing. Another option are ecological cleaning products which have not been tested on animals and are eco friendly.

Wasting water

Maybe you have no idea how much water you use at home in one day.
Here are the most common examples of ways to make your water bill higher and higher.

1. Don’t leave the water running while shaving, cleaning your skin or brushing your teeth.
2. Turn on the dishwasher only when it’s full. It saves up to 6times more water than hand washing you dishes.
3. If you wash dishes in the kitchen sink , don’t leave the water running
4. Watch out for a dripping faucet and running toilet.
5. Buy a water saving shower head.
6. Take short showers. Shortening the shower just by few minutes a day, you will save a few litres of water. Turn off the water while washing your hair or shaving.
7. Get a modern ecological flushing system for your toilet. It reduces water consumption by 30%. Find toilets that don’t need water or chemicals to function.
8. Don't wash your fruit under running water but in a sink or a bowl.
9. Pour water from a larger container. The outflow of warm and lukewarm water can take a while. A few decilitres of clean drinking water will flow before the cold comes through. Put a large container of water in the fridge and you will always have cold water at your disposal.
10. If getting warm water in your apartment takes a while, catch the cold water in your shower and use it to water the plants for example.
11. It is advisable to use aerator , it is a simple mechanical device that screws onto your faucet. It allows water to mix with air and reduces water consumption. Due to higher pressure, the current is more intense and you save a few crowns again.

Ecological appliances and lighting

If you still use conventional fluorescent lamps at home, replace them with LED lights. It saves up to 50% lighting costs. LED lighting does not consume as much energy and illuminates larger areas. Still, it is necessary to switch them off when leaving the room or house.
If you are buying a new appliance for your home, look for the A ++ energy class. The investment is bigger, but it will return many times over. The generation of Electricity is very harsh to the environment especially in the Czech Republic.

How to rent an organic household?

It is the technical gadgets and environmental options that will increase the value of your apartment. Tenants will save money on energy and won’t waste any warm air through the windows. Especially nowadays, when ecological issues are being discussed everywhere, “green” flats will go like hot cakes. So if you are an owner of a property and are considering renting, try selecting some practical tips from these articles and adding the benefits to your offer . We will be happy to assist you with the lease and the overall process of searching for tenants. All you have to do is "contact us":

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