Basic Information About the Czech Republic

10. 5. 2017

Blog 1

Key Data About Czech Republic

- population: 10.6 mil.
- area: 78.866 km2 (30.450 sq.miles)
- capital city: Prague
- currency: Czech crown (CZK)
- language: Czech
- highest peak: Snežka 1602 m (5.256 ft)
- time zone: GMT +1

Location of the Czech Republic and Basic Facts
The Czech Republic, could be referred as Czechia as well, is located in Central Europe bordered by Germany to the west, Austria to the south, Slovakia to the east and Poland to the north.

The Czech Republic’s largest city is Prague (approx. 10.5 mil. Inhabitants), second largest is Brno (approx. 0,377 mil. inhabitants).

The Czech Republic includes three historical territories: Bohemia, Moravia and the Czech Silesia.
In January 1993 the Czechoslovakia peacefully dissolved into two independent states: Czech Republic and Slovakia.

The Czech Republic joined NATO in 1999 and the European Union in 2004. The country has been member of the Schenghen Area since May 2004, having abolished border controls with neighboring countries.
It is a developed country with advanced high income economy.

The Czech Republic is considered to be one of the safest countries in the world.

The Czech Republic has a moderate continental climate. Warm summers, cold cloudy and snowy winters.

Government and Politics

The Czech Republic is a pluralist multi-party parliamentary democracy with the Prime Minister as the head of the government. The Parliament is bicameral with the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate.

The president is a formal head of state with limited powers.


The Czech Republic is the most stable and prosperous of the former communist states in Europe. It is considered as developed high income economy with low unemployment rates.

The economy is driven by exports to the European Union, especially to Germany, and by foreign direct investments.


The Czech Republic receives a substantial income from tourism. Prague is the fifth most visited city in Europe (after Paris, London, Istanbul and Rome).

Other frequently visited destinations in the Czech Republic:

- Český Krumlov

- Karlovy Vary

- Mariánské Lázně

- Telč

- Etc.

The Czech Republic is considered to be a safe touristic destination.


The majority inhabitants of the Czech Republic are Czechs (63.7%), Moravians (4.9%), Slovaks (1.4%), Poles (0.4%), Germans (0.2%), and Silesians (0.1%)


The Czech Republic is one of the least religious countries in the world.

According to the latest data (2011 census), 34% of the population stated they had no religion, 45% of the population did not answer the question about religion, 10.3% was Roman Catholic, 0.8% was Protestant, and 9% followed other forms of religion.

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