Extraordinary living Villa Nuova

24. 8. 2020

Blog 1

Extraordinary living, this is "Villa Nuova":https://www.philip-frank.com/en/residence/3654623-villa-nuova?utm_source=Blog&utm_medium=Srpen&utm_campaign=Villa%20Nuova%201. Modern living with a touch of history offers four spacious apartments that provide complete privacy. You will find out in an interview with the developer of this project and a member of the board of representatives of Malvazinky 1420 corp., Mr. Martin Kubišta.

What are the benefits of living in the Malvazinky residence?

The list of benefits would be long, but let's mention the most important ones. It is mainly the privacy that Villa Nuova offers. Regardless of the fact that you are in the middle of Prague, you feel that you are in a house in the middle of nature, you are surrounded by greenery and a traditional neighborhood. Whether you are the owner of an apartment on the ground floor with a private garden or the owner of three other apartments with a shared garden, you can always be sure that you will not be surrounded by crowds of strangers. Another benefit is the reconstruction of individual apartments. We paid close attention to the combination of the original historical elements of the villa and current standards, and thus the atmosphere of the historic villa is preserved, highlighted and maintained for future generations.

Can you describe the individual apartments?

The villa has a total of four exclusive apartments, one on each floor. The penthouse was created by connecting two floors. The apartment on the ground floor is organically connected with a private design garden. The other two apartments and the penthouse have a shared garden at their disposal, and both of them offer breathtaking views of the whole of Prague. The penthouse was created by combining two top floors of the villa. Together with a thoughtful design of the layout and interior of the apartment from the architectural studio of Eva Jiřičná and Petr Vágner (AI DESIGN), we managed to create a unique concept that we think is unparalleled in the Prague residences market. And of course there are incredible views of the whole of Prague from there.


Are there any hidden gems?

Of course, each apartment has its "gem" and we are glad they are not hidden. The benefit of the apartment on the ground floor is its private design garden, which is organically connected to the apartment and offers its residents idyllic privacy in greenery. The two middle apartments offer breathtaking views of Prague. Even though you can watch them twenty-four hours a day seven days a week, you can never get tired of them. In addition to the view of Prague, the “gem”of the penthouse is its design from the architectural studio of Eva Jiřičná and Petr Vágner (AI DESIGN).


What can we find around the residence?

Many exclusive residential villas have been built around the residence over the past centuries. Nad Santoškou Street will take you directly to the Santoška Garden Park, with the original Baroque homestead and an extensive park with majestic trees. The street will then lead you to the lookout point Paví vrch with its dominant feature, the historical building of Villa Kruliš.

We will be happy to "introduce":https://www.philip-frank.com/en/#contact the apartments to you in more detail.

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