Renting a property without a real estate agency

14. 10. 2020

Blog 1

Do you own or have inherited a property and now you are deciding whether to rent it yourself, out it on the Internet or use the services of a real estate agency? In our article you will find out what to look out for when renting a property on your own.

Taking photos of your property

The basis of each listing are good quality photographs and a great presentation of the property. The advertisement includes a description, which should sell the property on its own, so it stands out among the other offers, which are for example topped or paid for in order to be in the foreground. The photographs require quality lighting, creating a pleasant environment and most importantly, a quality camera and a little dexterity. A well-readable caption, representative photographs and well-targeted paid advertising are the way to a great tenant.


Placing real estate on unpaid websites

Is it good to place an ad on free websites and in different groups? This question is asked by almost all apartment owners. However, a seemingly easy solution, which can be finished in a few minutes, does not bring the result you would expect. Free sites can attract poor audiences, scammers, or even thieves, and it can cost you time and money.

Property inspection

Everyone wants a tour at a different time, someone with family, partner or a dog. Long selection and meetings await you. All communication and tours take a lot of time. You may also choose the wrong tenant based on personal impression. The real estate market professional knows what to ask during the tour so that he can eliminate and prevent certain unpleasant situations and later surprises.

Information about your future tenant

Will the tenant treat not only the equipment, but also the neighbors properly? The first impression is very important, but if your apartment becomes a disco, no one will tell you during the tour. Real estate agents have access to a central register of foreclosures or other databases where they can find out if a future tenant plans to pay you the rent and property fees.

References from former neighbours

Did your potential tenant have problems in the previous apartment or is he really just looking for an apartment? Get a reference about your future tenant! How he / she behaved in the current apartment, whether the owner of the apartment is satisfied with him, how the neighbors react to him or other information that can help you prevent problems.

Rental agreement

Can you write a lease yourself? Yes. If you are a lawyer. These tasks really belong to professionals. It is important to secure a quality contract that will protect you from problems such as non-payment of rent or refusal to move out.

Real estate agency

Philip & Frank specializes in comprehensive services in the field of exclusive real estate in Prague and its surroundings. It mainly focuses on the sale, lease and management of residential and commercial real estate. If you need to rent your property, do not "hesitate to contact us":

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Consent to the processing of personal data for the purpose of commercial communication for Philip & Frank s.r.o. with its registered office at Stefanikova 1/65, 150 00 Praha 5, registration number: 04116232. Detailed text of the consent, including all rights, can be found here. More details about Consent to the processing of personal data and your rights can be found here.

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