Czechs as a nation of pet lovers

9. 3. 2022

Blog 1

Pets make the family atmosphere in many homes more pleasant. There are around 2.5 million registered dogs in the Czech Republic alone. This means, in other words, that we lead the whole of Europe in the number of dogs per capita. Another million or so of cats should be added to the total.

But what about renting an apartment with pets?
Tenancy agreements often include a no-pet clause. However, this is not supported by the Civil Code, as the tenant cannot be denied this right.

What if the lease contract specifically prohibits you from having a pet in the flat?
In a potential lawsuit over the right to keep a pet in a sublease, terms of the lease that restrict the tenant's rights are disregarded. This means that a pet can be kept in the apartment despite an explicit rule in the lease.

What are the conditions for keeping a pet in a sublet?
In this case, all you need is a little empathy and consideration for the other tenants. The rule is that keeping a pet must not cause the landlord or neighbours a nuisance that is out of line with the normal standard of living in the house. Typical difficulties include:

- unpleasant odours

- noise (typically loud barking or howling)

- other tenants' fear of keeping a dangerous animal

Interpretation of the law is one thing, but in practice an agreement between the landlord and tenant is usually much easier for the mutual satisfaction of both parties. The real estate company should be able to help both parties (landlord and tenant) set the terms for a lease with a pet. For example, by recommending an increased security deposit to cover any possible damage caused by the pet.

Therefore, renting an apartment with a pet should not be a major problem. But as the saying goes, "everything in moderation".

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