Renovation of an Apartment in Prague
18. 7. 2017
Buying an older apartment in Prague, Czech Republic requiring improvements has advantages since it is usually less expensive and gives you the freedom to renovate it according to your taste. We would like to share some basic advice to those homeowners looking to renovate their Prague apartments into their own Czech castles!
Please visit our page on "Design and Construction services": for more information or "contact us":#contact us at:
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Outline of the Renovation
- Start by making a detailed outline of the renovation steps that you would like to complete.
- Visit websites and local stores in Prague like Siko, Ptáček, Bauhaus, Hornbach, OBI to get ideas and inspiration for layout, style, materials and equipment. This will also help you get an idea of the amount of money you will spend on renovation.
Construction Plans
- A good set of plans will be needed for planning, pricing and preparing the renovation especially if you are not fluent in Czech or do not have a technical background to explain the work to various tradesmen.
- Provide contractors a detailed of list materials, equipment and plans to obtain accurate pricing and to avoid future arguments, errors, delays and additional costs.
- Visit the location you want to renovate with contractors for them to determine how materials and equipment will be delivered and ask if they have any questions or suggestions.
- Once you have finalized pricing, add your own reserve fund since there will be “unknowns.”
Approvals in Prague
- Interior changes not affecting the building’s structural system requires an announcement to the local Prague construction department and takes about 21 days for their confirmation.
- Major work to the interior which specifically involves changes to the building structural system requires a building permit from the Prague local construction department and can take 6 – 8 weeks or longer depending on the extent of the renovation work.
Construction Work
- Display a notice in the building informing occupants about the work and the duration. In Prague, many buildings have house rules regarding noisy working hours during the work week and weekends so obtain the rules and observe them.
- Monitor the progress of the renovation to ensure it is going according to plan, especially towards the end when final finishes and equipment are being installed and review any problems or changes with the contractor’s lead person.
- Take progress photos especially of water, sewer and electrical work before it is covered up with final finishes in the walls and floors.
- Upon completion make a list of defects or unfinished work with the contractor and withhold final payment until you are satisfied with the work, obtain all approvals and a letter of guarantee for the work.
Although this renovation process is simplified, in reality the process does not go as smoothly since there are always unforeseen problems which arise and require experience with finding solutions and making good decisions in a timely manner in order to avoid delays or costly mistakes all while speaking in the Czech language.
The final results of a renovation project can be very rewarding or a disaster especially if you lack planning skills or technical knowledge for the project but more importantly language skills with the Czech contractors and suppliers.
Therefore, if you need assistance from a person with design, planning and construction management and is fluent in both English and Czech languages do not hesitate to "contact us.":#contact