Prague 6

18. 7. 2017

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The city district of Prague 6 is located northwest of the city center and consists of Dejvice, Střešovice, Bubeneč, Břevnov, Nebušice, Hradčany, Veleslavín, Vokovice, Liboc and Ruzyně. Since Prague 6 is a very large expanse, there are still many areas in Prague 6 that allow for further construction. It is considered by many locals the best place to live in Prague. Furthermore, it is home to most of the international schools in Prague, including "ISP":, "PBS":, "Riverside":, "Park Lane": and the "Duhovka Group":



Prague 6 Locations:
- Dejvice
- Střešovice
- Bubeneč
- Břevnov
- Nebušice
- Hradčany
- Veleslavín
- Vokovice
- Liboc
- Ruzyně

Dejvice is a luxurious and prestigious residential area which offers peaceful accommodation surrounded by greenery (nature reserve Divoká Šárka). Thanks to prestigious quarters like Hanspaulka, which is at the same level of prestige as Vinohrady, Prague 6 is the most sought-after district in all of Prague. Apart from the original apartment houses from the first half of the 20th century, there is a number of modern residences and villas. Dejvice provides its inhabitants with a calm surrounding, but also with the possibility of rich cultural and social activities. It is also easily accessible to the city center both by public transportation and car. The area has numerous kindergartens and preschools such as "Global Preschool":, "Duhovka Preschool":, "Green Tree": and "Bambino Nurseries and Kindergartens":

Střešovice is a historical area located east of the city center. Here we can find the famous Ořechovka, which together with Hanspaulka is one of Prague's most famous villa quarters. Although you will find an abundance of villas here, the most exquisite is undoubtedly the functionalist Mullerova villa which was designed by the Austrian and Czech architect Adolf Loos. The area was and still is home to many celebrities. It is also part of a very active sports community. The area even has its own sports division Tatran Střešovice. It is very easy to get around and has easy access to the city center thanks to trams that connect the metro stations Hradčanská and Petřiny. Also, if you cross the Max van der Stoel park you will find yourself in "Prague 1":, close to the Prague Castle complex. The area also has a preschool ("Nessie preschool": and primary school ("Park Lane International School":

Bubeneč is a cadastral area that belongs both to Prague 6 and "Prague 7": However, most of the inhabited area lies in Prague 6. This is because the biggest park in Prague “Stromovka” lies in "Prague 7": as well as the Sparta football stadium. In close proximity to the park we can find the exhibition ground Výstaviště, which holds many different cultural events and concerts. We can find numerous tram lines here on the Vítězná square, which is an important thouroughfare in Prague 6. The area has a mix of historic houses, apartment houses and newly built residences like Rooseveltova. It is a very popular place to live thanks to the proximity of the park and easy accessibility to the city center. We can find the preschools "Smiling Baby School": and "Riverside Early Years": here as well.

Břevnov again is one of the most favorite residential locations in Prague. It holds a very unique atmosphere thanks to the historic buildings, which are slowly being renovated. Similarly to other areas of Prague 6, a number of new residential projects have been appearing. Břevnov has plenty of nature surrounding it including the natural monument Hvězda with its summer palace and the park Ladronka. Another beautiful gem of Břevnov is a very old monastery, which was opened during the 10th century. The preschools "Bfresh": and "Smartfox Preschool & Nursery": are located here as well.

Nebušice is a suburb located near the nature reserve Divoká Šárka. The place is packed with family houses and villas thanks to the "International school of Prague": which is also located here. It is a very safe and friendly suburb and is ideal especially for international families thanks to the proximity of the school. Despite being a suburb, it is still very close to the city, about a 6 minute drive by car to the metro station Bořislavka. Public transport is also available during day and night but in longer intervals. You will also find all the necessary civic amenities in place.

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