Prague 8

18. 7. 2017

Blog 1

This city district is located in the northern part of Prague and consists of Karlín, Libeň, Kobylisy, Bohnice, Čimice and Střížkov. It is a district where there is plenty of space for new construction. There are is a number of former industrial areas where renovation of various buildings is also possible. During the 2002 flood a majority of this district was destroyed, however, Prague 8 has undergone many renovations and has been rapidly developing since. In Kobylisy, you will find the "Meridian International School":

Prague 8 Locations:
- Karlín\t
- Libeň
- Kobylisy
- Bohnice
- Čimice\t
- Střížkov

Karlín lies between the areas of New Town and Libeň. Some significant buildings can be found in this area including Invalidovna, an expansive dormitory for war invalids inspired by the French Les Invalides. It has been destroyed by the great flood in 2002 and now awaits renovation. Recently, the district has been attracting more people thanks to lower prices and the River City project. The River City is a complex of residential and administrative buildings. Some finished administrative buildings are for example Nile House, Danube House and Amazon Court. There are also residences like Diamond Apartment and Rezidence Vltava that make Karlín an attractive location. It also has its own musical theatre, which is the second biggest in Prague. The metro stations Florenc-Křižíkova-Invalidovna run through this district. Florenc is the interchange station for metro lines B and C and the Czech Republic’s largest bus station “ÚAN Florenc” is also here.

Libeň falls mostly under Prague 8, with some areas belonging to "Prague 7": and "Prague 9": The district also includes an important thoroughfare "Palmovka" for trams. The most significant construction in Libeň is the O2 arena. This multi-purpose arena is Europe’s second largest ice-hockey arena. It has hosted many championships, tournaments, concerts and other stage shows. The area has a few historical sights, for example its own small palace called Libeňský zámeček. Although Prague 8 has always been more of an industrial area, thanks to residences like Lofty Palmovka, and the new residential projects Libeňské terasy and DOCK River Watch, the district has been attracting new inhabitants.

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