Salone del Mobile, Milan, Italy

7. 5. 2024

Blog 1

The festival of the best of home furnishings design took place in Milan, Italy, a mecca of design, at the end of April after a decline of several years. It is undoubtedly the most important and prestigious design festival in one place on different platforms: from classic design to retrospective presentations and conceptual projects.

What kind of trends can we expect in interior design in the following years? And how did Czech designers contribute to the global scene?

Interior design trends

As far as materials are concerned, aluminium is gaining more ground; thanks to recycling, it takes many different shapes, forms and layers. This trend is confirmed by, among others, the Norwegian brand, Hydro, with its collection of experimental interior items made from recycled aluminium sections.

Fashion business icons keep influencing interior design increasingly and more intensively, which continues to be an obvious trend. As a result, Salone del Mobile featured installations by brands, such as Gucci, Hermés and Bottega Veneta. For example, Yves Saint Laurent introduced its version of plates by architect Gio Ponti for his Villa Planchart in Caracas.
And if you want to know what this year’s trendy colour is, it is cocoa.

Award-winning Czech designers

Czech designers left an indelible mark on the fair as well. For instance, Ravak, with its oversize balloon wall by Vrtiška and Žák, presented its sanitary ware series.
Other brands included Brokis with its presentation of 19 collections of lights (three new ones plus a new concept) and Ton, based in Bystřice pod Hostýnem, with its untraditional presentation of the “classic fourteen.”
Lasvit was given the prestigious Fuorisalone Award for its Re/Creation installation presenting relief glass panels by designer Maxim Velčovský.

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