Have you purchased or rented a holiday property yet?

22. 7. 2024

Blog 1

How have the prices of holiday properties developed and are they worth investing in?

A few years ago, the Covid-19 pandemic caused a property price hike and holiday properties were no exception. The reason was an increased demand as people wanted to have opportunities to get a change of scenery even at that time when free movement and travelling abroad were restricted.

In the “Covid period” of 2020–2021, more than ten thousand holiday houses a year were sold. However, in 2022 the number of sales saw a sharp drop (by 30%) and the market got back to the pre-Covid level. Another drop, by 20%, came in 2023.

The decrease in interest in this kind of properties has influenced not only their prices (prices of holiday homes in some areas are now a third of those in the time of the pandemic) but also on the range of properties on offer. So, if you are looking for a holiday home, you have quite a high chance of finding one that meets your expectations.

In choosing such properties, the major criteria continue to be location, affordability and travel distance. Other important factors are opportunities to go swimming and cycling and to go on trips in the vicinity, including other leisure time services, such as golf courses.

However, a holiday home does not necessarily need to be a house or cottage. In the past few years, holiday suites situated in mountain areas or in the foothills have become increasingly popular. Their advantages include significantly lower maintenance costs as well as the fact that they can easily be rented out if they are not used.

This trend has also been responded to by developers, who have begun to offer mountain suites not only for sale but also for long-term lease.

A typical example is the small-scale project of suites in the Šumava, called “Baťovna.” It is situated in the village of Javorník and there are five completely furnished suites providing tenants with all the comfort they need without the necessity of taking care of any maintenance.

If you are looking for a holiday or residential property, please, feel free to contact us. We will be happy to help you to choose, buy and finance it.

- https://www.idnes.cz/finance/financni-radce/chata-chalupa-reality-cena-lokalita-realitni-kancelar.A240626_114710_viteze_daja

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