Riverside International School in Prague (Riverside)

24. 7. 2017

Blog 1

The Riverside International School in Prague consists of several campuses. The "Early Years":http://www.philip-frank.com/en/prague-guide/7153114-riverside-early-years center for children aged 3-5 is located in "Bubeneč":http://www.philip-frank.com/en/prague-guide/4471189-prague-6, Primary School and Junior High is in Sedlec, a village located 12 km north of the city center and Senior High is in "Hradčany":http://www.philip-frank.com/en/prague-guide/3934804-prague-1, an area belonging to both "Prague 1":http://www.philip-frank.com/en/prague-guide/3934804-prague-1 and "Prague 6":http://www.philip-frank.com/en/prague-guide/4471189-prague-6 districts.. There is easy accessibility by public transport to all of these areas, however, the school does offer its own shuttle buses, which run every morning and evening between the "Early Years":http://www.philip-frank.com/en/prague-guide/7153114-riverside-early-years, Primary and Junior High School and also to and from Namesti Miru, Smichov, Horomerice, Nebusice, Roztoky and Dejvice. Riverside offers an extensive range of extra-curricular activities. There is a number of creative, artistic, sporting, skills for life and outdoor adventure activities. Students here are also required to wear uniforms and those in High School have a certain dress code. The average annual fee in Riverside is 16,370 EUR (426,000 CZK).

- IGCSE Programme
- IB diploma
- Advanced Placement (AP)
- AS/A Level

- "Bubeneč, Prague 6":http://www.philip-frank.com/en/prague-guide/4471189-prague-6
- Sedlec
- "Hradčany":http://www.philip-frank.com/en/prague-guide/3934804-prague-1, Prague "1":http://www.philip-frank.com/en/prague-guide/3934804-prague-1 & "6":http://www.philip-frank.com/en/prague-guide/4471189-prague-6

- 3-5 ("Bubeneč":http://www.philip-frank.com/en/prague-guide/4471189-prague-6)
- 5-16 (Sedlec)
- 16-18 ("Hradčany":http://www.philip-frank.com/en/prague-guide/3934804-prague-1)

Public Transport
- "Bubeneč":http://www.philip-frank.com/en/prague-guide/4471189-prague-6: Bus 131
- Sedlec: Buses 107, 147, 340, 350
- "Hradčany":http://www.philip-frank.com/en/prague-guide/3934804-prague-1: Metro line A (Hradčanská), Trams 1, 2, 25, 26, 18, 20, 8, 7, 14 & Bus 131

Average annual tuition fee
- 16,370 EUR (426,000 CZK)

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