Why to hire an architect?

2. 3. 2018

Blog 1

Are you buying a plot of land and thinking about what kind of house to build on it? You can choose a catalogue project but it is much better to approach an architect and have your house tailor-made. Do you want to reconstruct an old flat but you don’t know how to do it? An architect will help you to find the best arrangement solution and recommend how to save money during the construction process and how to work out all the minute details in furnishing your flat.

A house designed by an architect is tailored not only for you but also for the particular place, so what you get is unique. A good architect does not think only of the practical part of the house but also of its inhabitants’ comfort and well-being. He or she will discuss your needs, expectations, lifestyle and future plans with you and will also consider your tastes, hobbies and other things to design the space so that you feel comfortable in it.

A good architect also respects your ideas, so you are part of the whole creative process but without being stressed about possible mistakes arisen from lack of knowledge and experience. At the same time, an architect takes into account all the constructional connections and possibilities of the particular house, land and place and its vicinity, and combines all of these factors to achieve the best possible result. An architect solves problems like yours on a daily basis. He / she has invaluable experience that can reduce a lot of your costs. In practice it is obvious that investment costs of construction and especially of the following operation are always higher without an architect than the costs of construction with an architect including their remuneration. They will also save your money that you might otherwise spend for solving problems which will not occur thanks to their experience.

An architect will take care of the whole construction process including prior arrangements with the authorities; will obtain the permit, provide supervision and make sure the costs are not higher. Your project may also include interior design, whose concept is created along with the design of the whole house.

Authorized architects, who must be members of the Czech Architects Chamber (Česká komora architektů), abide by a code of conduct and respect the rules for determining their fees with regard to laboriousness and to the amount of investment costs. In practice they determine the real price of their services, references and the level of offered services.

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