Blog 2

Trendy neighbourhoods in Prague

Why live in Prague? Trendy neighbourhoods of the Czech Capital which will convince you to get a house here, perhaps your new home. \n

Blog 2

How to design a Child’s Rooms

Children’s rooms are a space where our offspring spend the most time. It’s a place, where they play their games, indulging in their favourite activities, the place where they learn, rest, sleep... All of this must be reflected in the design of the interior, it’s layout and it’s equipment.

Blog 2

The Entrance to the apartment as an Advert

Everyone gets the first picture of the level and style of your living immediately when they enter your house or flat. Shoes scattered all over the entrance hall, a hall stand brimming with coats and a small mirror in an ugly frame will definitely not be the best advert.

Blog 2

Closer or further away from the city?

Before buying or renting a flat we should have a clear idea of for how long we need it. A flat is also a product, although of a different type and more expensive than a car or furniture. It can’t be replaced or modified so easily...

Blog 2

Why to hire an architect?

Are you buying a plot of land and thinking about what kind of house to build on it? You can choose a catalogue project but it is much better to approach an architect and have your house tailor-made. Do you want to reconstruct an old flat but you don’t know how to do it?

Blog 2

The Entrance as an Advert

Everyone gets the first picture of the level and style of your living immediately when they enter your house or flat. Shoes scattered all over the entrance hall, a hall stand brimming with coats and a small mirror in an ugly frame will definitely not be the best advert.

Blog 2

Moving into a smaller place? What to carry with you/get rid of?

Imagine your new home after moving in. Peace and quiet and tidiness. However, achieving that may not be quite easy. First of all, you need to get rid of any unnecessary things. If you want to decide what to move with you, ask yourself these four fundamental questions: \n

Blog 2

Apartment Rules and Regulations in Prague

If you are going to be renting or purchasing an apartment in Prague, then you will need to get acquainted with the Apartment Rules and Regulations.

Blog 2

Typical Property Layouts in Prague

Have you noticed that in Prague, properties are referred to as 2+kk, 2+1, 3+kk etc.? Have you wondered what it means? Read more to find out.

Blog 2

Rental Process in Prague: Step by Step

We are sharing a detailed overview of how to rent a property in Prague.

51-60 z 128 článků

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