Two-bedroom Apartment

1 000 € per month

54 m² Vacov, Javorník



Floor area

54 m²


1x covered

Are you longing for a cozy vacation apartment for yourself or your family without the need to spend millions to acquire such property?

We have the ideal solution for you!

Baťovna is a perfect place year-round for everyone who wants to spend their free or working time quality in peace and nature.

Long-term rental of a fully equipped apartment with all the necessary amenities is what this offers.

Baťovna (also known as Baťa’s House) is located in the heart of the Šumava village Javorník, close to the forest.

Apartment A4, a 3+kk layout (2+kk + sleeping loft), spans 54 m2 and features a living room with a fully equipped kitchen, including all appliances. There is also a built-in living wall with a smart TV, a comfortable fold-out sofa, and a dining table with chairs. Further, the apartment contains a bedroom with a double bed and built-in wardrobes, another bedroom in the loft area (open gallery), a hallway with built-in wardrobes, a bathroom with a shower and a toilet, and another separate toilet. The entire apartment has underfloor heating.

Rent: 24,999 per month + a service charge of 2,500 per month (water, electricity, heating, internet).

The original Baťovna, built in 1940-1941 by the Baťa company (Jan Antonín Baťa) once served as a place of commerce. In subsequent decades, it was a popular meeting spot and served as a restaurant.

The new Baťovna has all the features of modern living, yet seamlessly integrates with the original stone foundations, original wooden beams, etc.

Baťovna has retained its charm and character thanks to a sensitive multi-year reconstruction, where various materials such as stone, glass, metal, decorative concrete, and especially wood are combined in the interior.

Chata Baťovna has undergone a complete reconstruction; all apartments are completely new and fully furnished with timeless furniture and quality appliances.

What the property offers: sauna, cooling pool, outdoor shower, covered parking, outdoor grill and fire pit, ski storage, laundry room, bike storage, storage space...

About the location: Scenic landscapes and untouched nature, all found in Šumava at the village of Javorník at an altitude of 1065 meters above sea level.

Javorník is a year-round recreation center with opportunities for active enjoyment by individuals and families.

In the village itself, there is a ski lift, a lookout tower, a chapel, cycling trails, an entrance to ski trails, two restaurants, and a popular natural swimming pool in the neighboring village.

Within driving distance are the ski resort Zadov, a rope center, or the Šumava National Park.

Considering that the owner of Baťovna has many years of experience in restoring historical buildings and constructing new modern residences, he wanted to apply his skills in a place that captivated him and struck him at heart from the beginning.

We believe that the genius loci of this beautiful place will also breathe on you.


1 000 € per month

Floor area

54 m²




1x covered

Building energy rating


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Markéta Čekalová

Markéta Čekalová

+420 602 544 858

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