Apartment Two bedroom

453 600 €

63 m² Praha 10, Na spojce


Two bedroom

Floor area

62.5 m²

We offer you charming apartments in an Art Nouveau building with decorative facades in Prague's Vršovice district. This attractive corner building from the second half of the 19th century has undergone a sensitive renovation. The apartments are characterized by clean lines, generous space, and sophisticated design that emphasizes comfort and practicality of living. You can choose from 30 apartments with layouts ranging from 1+kk to 4+kk across eight floors.

This elegant 3+kk apartment, located on the second floor, will appeal to you with its bright hallway, spacious living area with a kitchenette, peaceful bedroom, children's room or study, timeless bathroom, and separate toilet. The apartment includes a cellar space. The standards include carefully selected materials - wooden floors, tiles with marble and stone imitation, ceramic bathroom fixtures, and wooden or full-glass interior doors.

Vršovice was once an ancient village and today is among the most sought-after Prague localities. The area offers pleasant restaurants, bistros and cafes, numerous schools and kindergartens, medical offices, authorities, shops, the Eden shopping center, the impressive Grebovka park or the popular Havlíček Gardens, which are among the few preserved Prague vineyards. A pleasant walk can take you to Jiří z Poděbrad square, where farmer's markets are regularly held. Surrounded by the unobtrusive elegance of one of Prague's most popular districts, this residence will enchant you by combining the charm of the past with the comfort of modern life in the wider center of Prague.

The apartments are offered unfurnished; if interested, they can be equipped with a kitchen unit and built-in wardrobes for an additional charge.


453 600 €

Floor area

62.5 m²



Building energy rating


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Consent to the processing of personal data for the purpose of commercial communication for Philip & Frank s.r.o. with its registered office at Stefanikova 1/65, 150 00 Praha 5, registration number: 04116232. Detailed text of the consent, including all rights, can be found here. More details about Consent to the processing of personal data and your rights can be found here.

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