
29 990 000 Kč

578 m² Praha-Suchdol, Olšová


578 m²

We bring you the opportunity to purchase a corner plot of land with an issued and valid building permit for the construction of an apartment building "Viladům Olšová" in the popular part of Prague 6 - Suchdol.

Included in the sale is a completely developed architectural design of Viladům, which originated from a design by Alepreda Architecture studio, based in New York. The studio succeeded in integrating contemporary modern architecture into the traditional urban feel of Suchdol. By appreciating the essence and respecting the local environment, a study of the house was created that harmoniously blends with its surroundings and serves as a lively backdrop to everyday life.

Residence Olšová will offer one underground and four above-ground floors. In terms of layout, there will be a total of 3-4 residential units offering 533 m² of usable space. The underground floor is designed to have 7 garage spaces (with an entrance ramp to the garages), technical facilities and common areas. The entire building will be interconnected by a staircase and an elevator, ensuring barrier-free access. The total land area is 578 m², with a planned built-up area of 191 m².

The house will be connected to the technical infrastructure with a new water and sewer connection, an existing electrical connection from Olšová street, and an existing gas connection from Vysokoškolská street. Heating of the house will be provided by four condensing gas boilers. Rainwater from the house and paved areas will be collected in a rainwater storage tank with a capacity of 12 m³, with an overflow to a 30 m² infiltration system. Part of the water will thus be used for watering greenery and the garden.

Suchdol is one of the safest and sought-after residential areas of Prague 6, combining living close to nature near protected landscape areas such as Sedlecké Rocks or the popular Tiché Valley, and quick access to the centre. It is a 2-minute walk from the plot to the bus stop connecting Suchdol with Dejvická metro station, and in the future, there is a plan for a tram connection with Dejvická. Full range of amenities are available in the area, including shops, a pharmacy, a café, a post office, school and kindergarten. The Riverside International School is merely a 5-minute drive away, the International School of Prague in Nebušice or Václav Havel Airport are within 15-minute reach by car. There is also an interesting train connectivity from Praha – Sedlec station, from which you can get to Masarykovo nádraží in 10 minutes.

We are happy to provide more information about this unique opportunity.


29 990 000 Kč

Total Area

578 m²

Building energy rating


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Consent to the processing of personal data for the purpose of commercial communication for Philip & Frank s.r.o. with its registered office at Stefanikova 1/65, 150 00 Praha 5, registration number: 04116232. Detailed text of the consent, including all rights, can be found here. More details about Consent to the processing of personal data and your rights can be found here.

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