Apartment One bedroom

900 € per month

43 m² Praha 7, Jankovcova


One bedroom

Floor area

43 m²

Timeless Scandinavian design. Fully furnished one bedroom apartment for immediate move-in

We offer for rent a cozy and modern furnished 1 beddroom apartment with a total area of 43 m², which provides enough space for comfortable living, ideal for 1 or 2 people.

The apartment has undergone extensive complete renovation, the author of the architectural design is architect Filip Kotlář.

The interior stands out for its high standard and provides everything that modern living requires. Interesting elements and materials have been used in the renovation of the apartment, such as squeegee, travertine slab under the sink, built-in storage, designed dining table/bar, window sills and built-in bookcase, wall shelf with backlighting and other small details.

As you enter the apartment, the thoughtfully designed living room connected to the fully equipped kitchen, with new furniture and fixtures, impresses. The bedroom provides a comfortable bed, including bedding, plenty of storage space. Together with the thoughtful design of the bathroom with washing machine and separate toilet, the apartment meets all the requirements for comfortable living.

A great advantage is the underfloor heating throughout the apartment, which ensures even distribution of heat throughout the apartment, creating a comfortable environment.

The apartment also includes a 5 m² cellar, which provides additional storage space for bikes or seasonal clothing.

The apartment is located in a brick building from the 1930s, on the ground floor, overlooking a quiet street.It is available immediately and is suitable for those looking for a quick and easy move.

The rental price is 25,000 CZK per month:

Advances for utilities per month (1220 CZK/ 1 person, 1710 CZK/ 2 people) + electricity approx. 2500 CZK.

This makes this apartment not only attractive but also an affordable choice for singles or couples looking for the convenience of city life without the hassle.

For more information or to arrange a viewing please contact me, I will be happy to help with any questions and be your guide on your journey to your new home. Viewings are also possible on weekends. Inka Hajmanová, Philip & Frank


900 € per month

Floor area

43 m²


5 m²



Building energy rating


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Contact us

Consent to the processing of personal data for the purpose of commercial communication for Philip & Frank s.r.o. with its registered office at Stefanikova 1/65, 150 00 Praha 5, registration number: 04116232. Detailed text of the consent, including all rights, can be found here. More details about Consent to the processing of personal data and your rights can be found here.

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