Apartment Building

Price upon request

744 m² Praha

Floor area

744 m²


19 m²

We are pleased to offer for sale a building in good technical condition, situated in one of the most attractive and fastest-developing parts of Prague.

Smíchov, and specifically the area around Anděl, is an important transportation and communication hub, hosting a vast number of both Czech and multinational companies and various services.

The apartment building was constructed in 1887 by builder Josef Bečka and was adapted in 1900 for workshops and letter-painting operations.

Today, this building fully serves as an administrative building with five separate offices and facilities located in the basement. The building has one underground and four above-ground floors.

The advantages include high ceilings in most of the building, well-lit common areas, views into a quiet green inner courtyard of the opposite new building, and pleasant balconies at the offices on the 2nd and 3rd floors.

The building is connected to all utility networks and is heated by its own gas boiler. It also has a security system. There are monolithic ceilings and staircases.

All offices are long-term leased to reliable and solid tenants.

Given its strategic location between Anděl (Nový Smíchov Shopping Center), Radlická Street, and Na Knížecí Street (where a new residential and commercial district is being developed), this represents a property with great potential.

There is the possibility of using it for business activities or converting it into a residential property (the surrounding area mainly consists of higher modern new buildings).

The common areas and the offices themselves are very representative.

The atmosphere is complemented by a facade in the Neo-Renaissance style.

The building underwent a complete renovation in 1999.

In 2020, there was a partial renovation of the office spaces. The 4th floor is equipped with air conditioning.

All local amenities are on site including metro, tram, bus, and train stops. Excellent connection to the Prague ring road.

For more information, we are happy to provide it personally at the Philip & Frank office.

Floor area

744 m²


19 m²

Building energy rating


PDF File


Markéta Čekalová

Markéta Čekalová

+420 602 544 858


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Consent to the processing of personal data for the purpose of commercial communication for Philip & Frank s.r.o. with its registered office at Stefanikova 1/65, 150 00 Praha 5, registration number: 04116232. Detailed text of the consent, including all rights, can be found here. More details about Consent to the processing of personal data and your rights can be found here.

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