Apartment One bedroom

303 100 €

39 m² Praha 3, Jičínská


One bedroom

Floor area

39 m²


8.3 m²

We are offering for sale a two-room apartment located in Jičínská Street, on the border between Vinohrady and Žižkov, which underwent partial renovation in 2018. The apartment has a floor area of 38.6 m² and a balcony measuring 8.3 m², situated on the 6th floor of a brick building with an elevator. The property has two separate rooms, each with access to a spacious balcony. The entrance hallway, which includes a window, has a built-in kitchenette with a dining counter. On the sides of the entrance hall, there is a separate toilet on the left and a bathroom with a shower stall immediately to the right of the main entrance. The entire apartment features floating floors and central heating. Thanks to its excellent layout, the property is also suitable for shared living. The balcony of the apartment offers nice views of the Garden Tower. The building from the 1930s is very well-maintained. A cellar storage is also included in the sale.

The neighborhood offers complete amenities – schools, kindergartens, medical facilities, shops, restaurants, cafés, but also a number of parks and green spaces like Parukářka, Riegrovy Sady, Mahlerovy Sady, and the more distant Grébovka, all inviting for walks and relaxation in nature.

Nearby is Jiřího z Poděbrad Square with the beautiful Church of the Most Sacred Heart of Our Lord, where popular farmer's markets are held during the summer months.

The transportation access to the city center is excellent due to nearby bus and tram stops and easy access to major transportation arteries and the highway. The Flora metro station and shopping center are 2 minutes from the house.

The apartment is currently leased, but viewings can be arranged with the tenant.

We recommend this property as a suitable investment opportunity!

The owner reserves the right to select the buyer according to their own criteria or to accept a higher offer.

The energy performance certificate is being processed. Temporarily, we list it as class G.


303 100 €

Floor area

39 m²


8.3 m²


2 m²





Building energy rating


Floor plan

PDF File

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