Apartment Two bedroom

864 800 €

109 m² Praha 1, Opletalova


Two bedroom

Floor area

109 m²


1 m²

This apartment, with an attractive layout only 200 meters from Wenceslas Square, appeals to those looking for a classic Prague experience. The apartment is situated on the second floor of a four-story, fully renovated building with an elevator on Opletalova Street in Prague 1 - New Town.

This amazing 3+1 apartment, boasting a floor area of 108.8 m², offers a spacious living room with an adjoining dining area. High ceilings adorned with intricate moldings and large crystal chandeliers enhance the sense of grandeur. The apartment is illuminated by natural light thanks to large windows which are carefully crafted replicas of the original historical designs. An elegant double door leads to a separate kitchen, which offers a practical yet stylish space for cooking with modern equipment while retaining the classic charm of the apartment. Wooden parquet flooring throughout the apartment elevates its refined atmosphere, merging modern comfort with historical essence.

Both bedrooms provide a peaceful refuge and are equipped with a quality double bed, a magnificent chandelier, and a beautiful built-in wardrobe with glass doors offering ample storage space. The rooms have large windows, allowing for plenty of natural light, and creating a bright and welcoming atmosphere. A pleasant entrance hallway offers additional storage space and access to all rooms of the apartment, including the main bathroom with a shower and a second separate toilet.

The building's facade features intricate architectural details with elegant decorative moldings, large arched windows, symmetrical designs, and decorative elements. The communal areas of the building retain their original charm with decorative moldings, high ceilings, and ornamental details in the corridors. The feeling of elegance is further enhanced by the magnificent staircase with wrought iron railings.

The central location of the building ensures excellent accessibility to public transportation, as it is close to all three metro lines and main tram routes. Furthermore, Masaryk Railway Station and the Main Railway Station connect the city by train to the rest of the Czech Republic and Europe. This property holds great potential for appreciation in value and rental income.


864 800 €

Floor area

109 m²


1 m²





Building energy rating


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Hana Fisherová

Hana Fisherová

+420 602 544 858


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