Five-bedroom House

Price upon request

348 m², Land 484 m² Praha-Řeporyje, Havlůjové



Floor area

348 m²


484 m²


36 m²


2x garage

We are offering for sale a spacious family house located on a quiet and sought-after address in Prague 5 - Havlůjové Street. This interesting property is ideal for family living or multi-generational accommodation thanks to its layout solution and location in a pleasant area in the suburbs of Prague with good access to city center.

The house has two above-ground residential floors with a total living area of 348 sq.m. on a corner lot with an area of ​​484 sq.m. The property also includes a large terrace and a well-maintained garden which add to its charm and practicality.

The interior of the house consists of five bedrooms, a living area, a kitchen, utility rooms and storage spaces. The practical kitchen is equipped with all appliances, including an American refrigerator. There is a bathroom and a separate toilet on each floor. Beautiful architectural features include beams in the attic, which add to the attractiveness of the space, and the height of the ceilings creates a feeling of spaciousness.

The house is partially furnished with several built-in elements that will remain for the new owner. A major advantage of the house is the ample storage space in storerooms, in the space of a cloakroom, and a walk-in wardrobe.

The house also includes two parking spaces in the garage, which ensure comfortable parking.

The space is heated by a modern heating system and, thanks to good insulation, a balanced temperature comfort is maintained throughout the year. The underfloor heating is connected to a heat pump, a unit from 2024 / recuperation, which cools the liquid for the heat pump in summer. The advantages also include a central vacuum, LAN wiring and a centralized home protection counter.

Thanks to its location in Řeporyje, a cadastral area on the outskirts of Prague, there is excellent local amenities including schools, kindergartens, shops, and services. Transportation access to the city center is comfortable by car and public transport. The locality also offers many opportunities for leisure activities and relaxation in nature. Prokopské and Dalejské valleys are nearby. The forest is literally just a few steps from the house.

The building's energy performance certificate (PENB) is currently being processed (temporarily marked with class G).

Arrange a viewing that will allow you to personally familiarize yourself with all the advantages of this unique offer. Viewings are also possible on weekends.

We look forward to your visit and hope that the address on Havlůjová Street will become your new home where you will spend many happy years.

Floor area

348 m²

Built-up area

183 m²

Total Area

484 m²


36 m²


12 m²


2x garage

Building energy rating


Floor plan

PDF File

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Consent to the processing of personal data for the purpose of commercial communication for Philip & Frank s.r.o. with its registered office at Stefanikova 1/65, 150 00 Praha 5, registration number: 04116232. Detailed text of the consent, including all rights, can be found here. More details about Consent to the processing of personal data and your rights can be found here.

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