Do you want to sell or rent your property?

We will provide you with a complete service and care that includes:

  • initial consultation
  • valuation of the property and its presentation
  • design a strategy and correct targeting on the market, including the use of appropriate channels
  • advice on the correct form of sale or lease
  • Arranging viewings and regular feedback to the property owner
  • negotiations with the buyer or tenant including preparation of complete contractual documentation
  • negotiations with the relevant authorities
  • Handover of the property

We can speak most of the world's languages (e.g. English, German, Italian, Spanish, but also Arabic), so language barrier plays no role in the selection of the right client. We will also provide you with a quote from mortgage specialists and the appropriate legal service.

We prefer an individual approach

Each property has its own story and each owner has specific ideas about selling or renting it. Personal approach and respect are the values that form the basis of our DNA.

Common target

Sell or rent for the maximum possible price

We always act in the interest of the seller or landlord, we consult the individual steps in advance and propose suitable solutions. Achieving the maximum possible price with respect to time is our common priority.

Property presentation that will enchant

Properly prepared property presentation is 50% of success, we are convinced of that. We use proven professionals in their field to provide the files.

We screen interested parties in advance

We screen all those interested in your property in advance and recommend only those who best suit your purpose for further negotiations.

Efficient legal service

We have sold and rented hundreds of properties and have experience with many non-standard requirements and solutions. Our external collaborative lawyers know exactly what to focus on and what to look out for. Rely on us.

Transaction security always comes first

Every transaction carried out through our office is as secure and discreet as possible. From the initial consultation to the handover of the property.


We can arrange the sale and rental of your dream property in more than 70 countries around the world.

We are part of LeadingRE®, a prestigious network of international independent premium real estate agencies.

What benefits does this bring you?

  • we can offer you properties worldwide from 550 independent real estate agencies
  • we also have access to luxury properties from
  • we provide an international relocation service for managers and employees of multinational companies
  • and last but not least, we can offer your property for sale or rent to foreign clients looking for a property in the Czech Republic through the LeadingRE® network
More information


We can arrange for you the sale and rental of real estate in more than 70 countries around the world. We are part of a prestigious network of international independent premium real estate agencies under the Leading Real Estate Companies of the World® (LeadingRE) brand.

Membership in this network is proof of the high standard of services we have provided to our clients over the years. Real estate agencies do not automatically become a partner of this network, but on the basis of strict criteria that only 20% of candidates meet.

Our specialization on the Prague or Czech market now has an international overlap. We have colleagues in more than 70 countries around the world and we can offer you the widest range of potential buyers from Spain, Portugal, Italy, Florida to London, Hong Kong or Buenos Aires.

All real estate agencies associated under the LeadingRE® brand are independent. This allows us greater flexibility and a better understanding of the specifics of each country. Detailed local knowledge allows you to make smarter and more informed decisions.

Our membership of the LeadingRE® network means that we are able to offer you:

  • real estate from more than 70 countries around the world
  • networking with more than 550 independent real estate agencies
  • luxury properties from the portfolio of, which specializes in this type of real estate
  • international relocation service for managers and employees of multinational companies in cooperation with RELO Direct®
Rising star

Last but not least, we can offer your property for sale or rent to foreign clients looking for a property in the Czech Republic through the LeadingRE network.

Rising star

In 2023, our office also received the "RISING STAR" award, which is given to LeadingRE members for their commitment to the international real estate business.

Looking for a premium property abroad? For sale or rent? Or do you want to offer your property on the foreign market? We are here for you.

Leave the care of your property to the experts. Our services also include complete property management. This service is especially for owners who own a property for rental purposes or are away from their property for an extended period of time.

We take care of individual apartments, multiple apartments in one place, as well as family houses and entire buildings. The range of services we provide is always tailored to the specific requirements and expectations of the client.

For residential properties we mainly deal with:

  • property rental and related services
  • cleaning, maintenance and regular inspection of the property
  • Repairs of the property
  • accounting related to the running of the property, dealing with authorities, representing the owner to the HOA

For commercial buildings and apartment buildings, we mainly deal with:

  • inspections of the property, cleaning, maintenance and repair of the property
  • accounting related to the operation of the property and the administration of related documents, including the collection and payment of rent and service charges
  • preparing the annual budget and ensuring the annual accounting
  • monitoring compliance with legal regulations
  • rental and handover of the property
  • communication with the authorities, organization and participation in meetings of the community of owners (HOA)
  • possibility to act on behalf of the investor and others

We provide the service in Czech and English.

Contact us

Consent to the processing of personal data for the purpose of commercial communication for Philip & Frank s.r.o. with its registered office at Stefanikova 1/65, 150 00 Praha 5, registration number: 04116232. Detailed text of the consent, including all rights, can be found here. More details about Consent to the processing of personal data and your rights can be found here.

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