
Villa Bianca

Prague 6 - Dejvice

The luxury residential complex “Villa Bianca” is situated in the premium location of Prague 6 on the interface of Dejvice and Bubeneč District. If you are looking for luxury living with green neighborhood in the quiet part of downtown of Prague, the Villa Bianca Residence is the right place to be. The Residence is formed by triangle formation of six buildings constructed in 2002 grouped around modernist villa designed by architect Jan Kotěra in 1910–1911.

The plot with a garden has more than 12 000 sq.m. The whole Residence consists of It is just 83 luxury apartments, i.e. offering maximum privacy to its residents. Villa Bianca was designed with the attention to details and maximum comfort to its residents. All of the used materials have premium finish. Eg. black marble in the bathrooms, floors made of exotic wood and wooden euro-windows that perfectly suppress the noise from the outside.

The Villa Bianca also offers underground garages and outside parking spots for the visitors of the residence. The Villa Bianca is located in the residential diplomatic district of Prague 6 near the well known park “Stromovka”. You can find all necessary amenities including international schools and kindergardens in the neighborhood of the Residence. One of many more benefits of Villa Bianca is perfect access to the airport and to the city centre. You can get there by public transport in 15 minutes from the Hradčanská Metro Station which is just 5 minutes of walk from the Residence.

Apartments for rent and sale in the Villa Bianca Residence.

For the recent offer of apartments in the Villa Bianca Residence please contact us

Philip & Frank provides complete services for its clients in terms of sale, purchase, rentals or property management, etc. Please contact us for more information about our services and apartments in Villa Bianca Residence. We would be more than happy to help you.



Hana Fisherová

+420 602 544 858


Hana Fisherová

Hana Fisherová

+420 602 544 858

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